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North Sea Cleanup News blog Sustainable use of the North Sea?

The (likely) last expedition of 2014 with Healthy Seas

And what kind of an expedition ! More successfull than this ,is that possible? Yes we can !We are going to prove that the next season.

Friday 24 oktober 2014 / Zaterdag 25 oktober 2014
Contrarary to the previous trip, we sail even later this time. We can only sail out at high tide and that is now 04.03 in the middle of the night in between Friday and Saturday. Wow! That’s going to be a short sleep.

03.00 : My alarm sqeaks and my body is asking why it needs to start moving. Do I have to get up? No, not absulutely. To linger is also not an option as I need some video footage when we are going to depart from the quay and begin the trip.

Here we go!

What is the plan and where we are going to?
We go direction ‘Peepotwreck’ Wellknown amongst us divers. This wreck is about 36 nautical miles from Stellendam and so we can still sleep a while.

Once arrived at this wreck we can make a nice scan, thanks to the smooth weather. And we are arriving at the good moment of the tidechange to begin right away.

From several divers we heard that this wreck is literally covered with lost fishingnets. Nevertheless its always a surprise what you meet in reality. The moment the grab goes over the side and the first pictures appear at the monitors come in sight is always exiting.

The moment the first grab comes up is nevertheless shocking because the mess we are seeing.

Snap of the first grab….

The first grabfull is very promising. What a mess we get up! Tears come up in your eyes. Just one location in the middle of North Sea and then the first grab load of ‘garbage’ comes up, it indicates how big the problem really is. The same picture, grab after grab, we take up lots of lost fishing gear. Not only lost nets, but also complete beams, that are the tubular beams that keep the nets open when being trawled over the bottom of the sea, including lots of chains. The chains were used to disturbe the bottomfish to swirl up to be caught in the net. It’s altogether a good indication for the size of the problem in the North Sea and in the rest of the seas wordwide.

At the end of the salvageday our deck is full with nets and iron from the beam and chains,it all went very smooth. That this wreck was littered with nets is an understatement, its was literally buried under nets. We are sure we did a very good job not a lot of words and a little nets
But a lot of nets with little words. Finally we see more and more of the shipwreck itself. Unfortunately because of the weather it is better not to do the planned dive. Notwithstanding that, for us this mission is a great success.

 What is the final result of this expedition?
After a day of salvage on this ‘Peepotwreck’ we have a quantity of about 6000 kg fishingnets and another 6000 kg other fishing equipment  such as Beams ,chains rubber discs and floats.

The nets on the deck..

Sunday 26 oktober 2014

We slowly return to Stellendam. On the way back we make multibeamscans of 2 random chartwrecks. We lower the grab once more to have a look. As this in an unknown wreck we don’t have a name and consequently no history.

The 2e wreck we visit this Sunday is another story. After we lower the grab we mainly see massive stones. We don’t see any wreck.
Later we find out it concerns the tipping of a big pontoon in a storm which transported big stones for harbourworks.

We took one of the smaller stones on board for determination. The stones we saw varied in weight approximately between 2 and 10 tons.

Back to the harbour …

Then comes the moment to go back to our homeport Stellendam. Ultimately we need to be back at the entry of the Haringvliet at 17.00 to be in time for the high water (The Bela has too much draft to enter the shallow entry of the harbour at low tide) Just before entering the harbour a telephonecall to Evy of Evy’s Proposal, to enable Evy to make her shots of the Bela entering the harbour. Super from her that she want to do that and to brave the cold for more than an hour.

Curious to see the film? Watch him

For a full report of this mission look at our facebookpage or on our website in the medialibrary.

